8 results
Overview of Porto Alegre
30/06/23 -
  • Mariana Siqueira

Do you know Porto Alegre?

Porto Alegre is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, a state in Brazil’s south region, where the campus of two partners of UAS7 are located: Unisinos and PUCRS.
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6º Simpósio de Enfermagem Brasil-Alemanha
01/06/23 -
  • Claus Lange

6º Simposio de Enfermagem Brasil-Alemanha

No mês de maio, a 8ª Jornada Internacional de Enfermagem, o 6º Seminário em Saúde Materno-Infantil e o 6º Simpósio de Enfermagem Brasil-Alemanha foram realizados na Universidade Franciscana (UFN), parceira da UAS7.
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São Paulo
25/04/23 -
  • Claus Lange

Workshop do DWIH São Paulo Reúne Cooperadores como UAS7 para Discutir Resultados e Ideias para o Futuro

O Centro Alemão de Ciência e Inovação (DWIH) São Paulo realizou seu primeiro workshop interno – uma oportunidade para reunir os cooperadores da instituição (que também inclui UAS7 ) e discutir os resultados do trabalho já realizado e as perspectivas para o futuro.
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Portrait of Eduardo Felipeto (UNISINOS)
29/12/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Eduardo Filipeto

"UAS7 alumnus admitted to a master's in Germany”

Eduardo Filipeto was admitted at the Freie Universität Berlin to pursue his master's degree.
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Portrait of Eduardo Felipeto (UNISINOS)
29/12/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Eduardo Filipeto

"Ex-aluno UAS7 é aceito para um mestrado na Alemanha”

Eduardo Filipeto foi aceito na Free University of Berlin para realizar seu mestrado.
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02/06/21 -
  • Sara Blum

Virtual Academy Spotlight Hochschule Bremen: Air Pollution Control – A Comparison Between US and German Cities

The course Air Pollution Control, part of the UAS7 Virtual Academy, was a transatlantic a cooperation between Bremen University of Applied Sciences and the University at Albany. The key goals of the joint course were to engage students in solving real-world air pollution problems through project-based learning. In doing so, they learned to foster collaboration, relationships and networks with fellow international students and their instructors.
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27/04/21 -
  • Erica Callery

Virtual Academy Spotlight HWR Berlin: Who says field trips have to take place in person?

The mid-point in the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin) and University at Albany (UAlbany)‘s COIL project on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility was marked with a rather unique session that led to students reflecting on a range of cultural and legal aspects.
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Woman sitting on the floor with a laptop, surrounded by books
04/05/20 -
  • Nele Kirstein

The 5 Best Resources To Learn German Online – For Free

You were expecting to be studying in Germany, surrounded by new friends and immersing into a new language and culture right now? Instead, you are home alone? Don’t give up on your plans! We have gathered some of the best online resources to learn German from the comfort of your home – entirely free of charge!
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