University-Industry Collaboration
The UAS7 universities maintain close cooperations with companies and non-profit organizations. The entire network is characterized by its ability to implement applied research solutions and bring innovation to market.
Our partners at small and medium-sized companies, in manufacturing and corporations, as well as non-profit organizations and institutions, expect results, which they can immediately benefit from economically. As a network that stretches across the whole of Germany, UAS7 is a suitable partner for international companies with spatially distributed research and production facilities.
On a transatlantic level, UAS7 universities serve as a leading example of good practice for mutually beneficial university-industry relationships. Since 2005, UAS7 has conducted several successful networking events on the topic of “industry academia relations” in New York. During the Year of German-American Friendship, celebrated in the USA in 2019, UAS7 organized a series of events on the topic of "Employability (Made) in Germany", visiting five universities across the US heartland together with US-based German companies to promote UAS career paths and expand international industry cooperation.