19 results
Portrait of Eduardo Felipeto (UNISINOS)
23/07/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Eduardo Felipeto

"Quero, se possível, voltar pra lá, poder continuar meus estudos"

Eduardo Felipeto, formado em Engenharia Química pela Unisinos, fala sobre sua experiência como estagiário em um laboratório de borrachas na Universidade de Ciências Aplicadas de Osnabrück.
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Moving the Cities 2020
18/12/20 -
  • Gabriel de Mattos Strada

Moving the Cities 2020, Hackathon Uniting Industry & Academia

Moving the Cities is an international event that has been reoccurring annually since 2018. It unites students, professors, industry representatives and universities from all over the world. The goal of Moving the Cities is to look at regional challenges that cities face from an international perspective. To do just that, 135+ students from 6 countries collaborated digitally for one week. 28 internationally mixed teams with participants from Brazil, Chile, Germany, Colombia, England and the USA competed in the final pitches to convince the international jury of their solution.
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Eröffnungsveranstaltung TECOSINOS 2019
20/11/19 -
  • Claus Lange

Moving the City – 2nd Meeting UNISINOS/UAS7 in São Leopoldo, Brasil

An “International student week for entrepreneurship” took place from Nov 11th to Nov 14th in São Leopoldo (RS). Coordinated by UNISINOS, Tecnosinos, FH Münster and UAS7.
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