Fall Semester Career Fairs
This Fall, the North America office of UAS7 presented at different career fairs across the United States. We want to share with you some of the highlights of our broad participation.
The Fall recruitment events kicked off with the German American International Network (GAIN) conference August 25-27 in Boston, MA. During these three full days of networking with German postdocs at the East Coast, UAS7 presented our professorships and career paths at universities of applied sciences at a booth - and at our "HAW Pitch: Paths to Professorship at Universities of Applied Sciences" - held jointly with UAS7 participation of President Stefan Herzig (TH Köln) and Prof. Dr. Ing. Samir Salameh of FH Münster, as well as colleagues from Hochschulallianz für den Mittelstand and the German Rectors Conference: Prof. Dr. Peter Ritzenhoff (HS Bremerhaven), Prof. Dr. Eva Waller (HS RheinMain), Prof. Dr. Kathleen Diener (HS Niederrhein) and Prof. Dr. Ralf Lottmann (HS Magdeburg-Stendal). Overall, we had a broad range of interesting conversations with attendees of the conference.
The GAIN conference participation has been described in more detail here:

Carina Boland shared our internship opportunities with 13 Northeastern University students at their Fall “Employer Session” and engaged in a lively Q&A with the students on September 20, 2023. As a result, one of the students applied for an internship at our October 1 deadline.
On September 27, Patrizia Nobbe presented the entire range of exchange options at the Study Abroad Fair at SUNY Albany. We talked to a few students and are in conversation with one student who is planning for Spring 2025. In Albany, we had a range of meetings with other potential multipliers throughout the university as well.

We were also part of Career Booster EUrope at Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus, organized by the Goethe Institut New York on September 30, 2023. This large career fair grew out of the “Career Booster Germany”, but this year featured universities, institutions, and other organizations from 10 European countries. This gave high school students, undergraduate- and graduate students as well as parents and teachers a great opportunity to get in touch with UAS7 and other participating university, funding, mobility, and visa organizations. Throughout the day we were able to talk to many interested students, parents and teachers who were eager to find out more about our programs. We shared helpful insight into complete Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at our seven member universities as well as our short term Study-Abroad programs, such as our study and internship programs.

Overall, thanks to all career fair organizers at Northeastern University, and our colleague and friend Aspa Papanastasiou, to the Study Abroad office at SUNY Albany (Renee DeCelle, and Mark Curry), and to Ajkuna Hoppe und Joerg Schumacher from the Goethe Institut New York. Particular thanks also goes to Stefan Herzig, Samir Salameh and Aline Poniatowski (Osnabrueck University of Applied Science) for lending us their time and deep expertise at the GAIN conference. We were able to introduce UAS7 and our programs to many new people.