#DWIHzeitgeist - Science Diplomacy in Practice
The teaser video is now available here.
The full video recording can be accessed here.
On February 1, 2024, UAS7 organized one installation of the #DWIHzeitgeist series on “Science Diplomacy in Practice”. The webinar brought together UAS7 science diplomacy practitioners: Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe from TH Köln UAS and Prof. Dr. iur. Ekkehard Strauß from HWR Berlin, as well as Prof. Melissa Bilec from our partner, the University of Pittsburgh. With the examples of water resource and circular economy projects, the speakers provided insights into their experiences with international applied research projects, priority-setting, and the barriers and opportunities they have experienced that determine success.

More than 50 people joined this webinar to explore the relationship between science diplomacy and applied research on shared sustainability questions in Germany and the United States and highlight ways that science diplomacy plays out through cross-national applied research. The audience chimed in with interested and often comparative questions.

We want to give special thanks to the speakers, and, of course, to our moderator Dr. Dale Medearis from the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, who -coming from a local government perspective- expertly guided the discussion. We are grateful to the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York, and here Dr. Jan Lüdert and his team, and to the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and their North America president Christian Hänel for their support of this event. Thanks to all of you, the event was a huge success. More information will soon be available here or upon request.