5 Ergebnisse
02.02.24 -
  • Patrizia Nobbe

#DWIHzeitgeist - Science Diplomacy in Practice

On February 1, 2024, UAS7 organized one installation of the #DWIHzeitgeist series on “Science Diplomacy in Practice”. The webinar brought together UAS7 science diplomacy practitioners: Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe from TH Köln UAS and Prof. Dr. iur. Ekkehard Strauß from HWR Berlin, as well as Prof. Melissa Bilec from our partner, the University of Pittsburgh.
GAIN 2023
05.09.23 -
  • Patrizia Nobbe

UAS7 at the Conference of the German American International Network (GAIN) 2023

UAS7 went to Boston for the German American International Network conference on August 25-27, 2023. GAIN is a network of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the DAAD, and the AvH Foundation. The GAIN conference supports transatlantic mobility of early career researchers, attracting German, US, and international researchers from MIT, Harvard, Boston University, and regional research institutes, interested in German career paths and collaborations.
Teaser - Die Stunde der HAWs
07.12.22 -
  • Patrizia Nobbe

Die Stunde der HAWs: Professuren an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften

Am 6. Dezember fand wieder unser nun jährlicher virtueller Workshop zu HAW Professuren statt. Gemeinsam mit dem German-American International Network (GAIN), Campus OWL und HAW Hessen boten wir an: "Die Stunde der HAWs: Professuren an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften". Zu Spitzenzeiten haben sich über 60 Interessierte eingeschaltet.
Slide of a presentation. Text: Taking Virtual to the Next Level. Spotlight on German-U.S. Collaboration. AIEA 2022 Annual Conference.
08.03.22 -
  • Patrizia Nobbe

UAS7 at 2022 AIEA Annual Conference

At the 2022 AIEA Annual Conference, UAS7 had the pleasure to share their first year Virtual Academy experiences on a panel entitled “Taking Virtual to the Next Level”, jointly with Ben Brisch, Director of the DAAD North America Office, Ann-Kristin Matthe, Head of Section Digitalisation for Internationalisation at DAAD Germany, and Annette Richie, Director of Global Academic Programs at our partner University at Albany.
Roadshow HWR Berlin 2021
28.09.21 -
  • Claus Lange
  • Emily Bechler

„Viele gute Gründe für eine Professur an einer UAS7-Hochschule” - Hybride UAS7-Roadshow an der HWR Berlin

Das seit Pandemiebeginn erfolgreiche virtuelle Konzept des Hochschulverbundes, die „UAS7-Roadshow“ zur HAW-Professur, hat sich mittlerweile zu einer hybriden Veranstaltung gewandelt. Am 24. September fand diese erstmals an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (HWR) Berlin statt.