63 Ergebnisse
4 hardware modules
06.05.21 -
  • Alissa Ziegler
  • Gunhild Grünanger

Virtual Academy Spotlight Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences: Pitching projects for the Internet of Things

Students from several engineering and computer science programs at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and at University at Albany conduct experiments on artificial intelligence and develop their own products for the Internet of Things. They exchange ideas in transatlantic teams and give each other feedback on their project ideas.
A questionnaire and two pencils
27.04.21 -
  • Katja Zühlsdorf

A new evaluation tool for COIL projects: Focus on the intercultural learning process

Since the UAS7 Virtual Academy is a joint project between several institutions, it seeks to bundle and harmonize competencies as much as possible in order to build capacity and ensure that the project has a trickle-down effect throughout the universities and beyond. Experts on evaluation, quality management, and intercultural competence from all participating German universities joined forces to create a joint evaluation tool (questionnaire) for students, in order to measure the impact of the projects.
27.04.21 -
  • Erica Callery

Virtual Academy Spotlight HWR Berlin: Who says field trips have to take place in person?

The mid-point in the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin) and University at Albany (UAlbany)‘s COIL project on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility was marked with a rather unique session that led to students reflecting on a range of cultural and legal aspects.
23.04.21 -
  • Sara Blum

Virtual Academy Spotlight Hochschule Bremen: Overcoming Linguistic Challenges in International Teams

Back in February 2021, Professor Mechthild Schrooten from the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences (HSB) and Professor Rita Biswas from the University at Albany (UA) started a joint transatlantic teaching project as part of the UAS7 Virtual Academy. On April 12th, the third joint session took place, which was a highlight of the course for teachers and students alike.
15.04.21 -
  • Nele Kirstein

Virtual Academy Spotlight Hochschule München: Leadership project welcomes guest speakers from both sides of the Atlantic

As part of the UAS7 Virtual Academy pilot phase Dominik Hammer of Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM) and Martha Asselin of the University at Albany (Ualbany) are co-teaching a virtual course on interdisciplinary leadership with a focus on decision-making processes in crisis situations. On April 7, the transatlantic class was joined by high-ranking experts of both institutions who shared valuable insights into their own leadership experience in crisis situations.
Startup Incubator HWR Berlin
19.03.21 -
  • Leonie Kirstein

UAS7-Hochschulen unter den besten auf dem Gründungsradar

Die UAS7-Hochschulen zählen zu den Besten auf dem Gründungsradar. Der Gründungsradar des Stifterverbandes vergleicht Hochschulprofile in der Gründungsförderung an deutschen Hochschulen und erstellt ein auf Punkten basierendes Ranking: Die Hochschule München und die HWR Berlin liegen dabei weit vorne. 
20.01.21 -
  • Erica Callery

Coaching COIL – UAS7 Virtual Academy Coaching Sessions in Full Swing

Balancing synochronous and asynchronous teaching; selecting the right technology tool and preparing students for international collaboration – these were just some of the many topics which were covered in the first round of the UAS7 Virtual Academy’s Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) coaching sessions held in early January 2021.
Jemand nutzt eine Tastatur für Menschen mit visueller Beeinträchtigung
20.01.21 -
  • Hochschule Bremen

Hochschule Bremen gründet „Institut für digitale Teilhabe“

Wie kann der digitale Wandel zu einem gesellschaftlichen Wandel werden, der insgesamt zu mehr Teilhabe auch für Menschen mit Behinderung führt? Welche Chancen und Risiken birgt digitale Teilhabe für Menschen mit Behinderung? Hier setzt das im Januar 2021 gegründete „Institut für digitale Teilhabe“ der Hochschule Bremen an: In Lehre, Forschung und Transfer sollen anwendungsbezogene Projekte in Bezug auf die digitale Teilhabe in den Alltag integriert werden.