Internship program Lawn Research at the Institute for Landscaping, Outdoor Sports Facilities, and Maintenance UniversityOsnabrück University of Applied SciencesFieldsLandscape ArchitectureDuration3-6 monthsDeadlineFebruary 15 for fall internshipOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program Materials Design and Structural Integrity UniversityOsnabrück University of Applied SciencesFieldsMaterials SciencesEngineeringDuration3-6 monthsDeadlineFebruary 15 for fall internshipOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program Development and application of specialized flow measurement techniques UniversityFH Münster University of Applied SciencesFieldsMechanical EngineeringDuration3-6 monthsDeadlineFebruary 15 for fall internshipOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program KiSS Kinetics in Sound and Space // Auditory Scenography in VR and AR UniversityHamburg University of Applied SciencesFieldsMedia TechnologyDuration4 - 12 months. These projects are currently funded until 2022.DeadlineFebruary 15 for fall internshipOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program Food Process and Product Design UniversityOsnabrück University of Applied SciencesFieldsFood and Nutritional SciencesDuration3 – 6 monthsDeadlineFebruary 15 for fall internshipOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program Experimental Static – load tests of structures show their actual load carrying behaviour UniversityBremen City University of Applied SciencesFieldsCivil EngineeringEnvironmental SciencesArchitectureDuration3-6 monthsTime periodSummer term only (April-August)DeadlineOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program Plastics Testing and Polymer Physics UniversityOsnabrück University of Applied SciencesFieldsMaterials SciencesChemical EngineeringDuration3-6 monthsDeadlineFebruary 15 for fall internshipOctober 1 for spring internship
Internship program Environmental Biology V - Ecosystems Field Work UniversityBremen City University of Applied SciencesFieldsEnvironmental SciencesBiologyDuration2 monthsDeadlineOctober 1 for spring internship