20 results
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18/11/21 -
  • Katja Zühlsdorf

An international insight into approaches to sustainability in the US and Germany: Virtual COIL project between HWR Berlin and Drexel University

„A match made in heaven“, this is how Prof. Dr. Sonja Klose from HWR Berlin kicked off her virtual collaboration, a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project, with her counterpart Prof. Daniel Korschun from Drexel University in the US. 70 students from both universities came together for a joint virtual project.
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09/11/21 -
  • Patrizia Nobbe

Organizing Virtual Collaboration Through Consortia: Now and in the Future

We recently had a chance to present at the fabulous IVEC Conference hosted by our partner Drexel University and East Carolina University. The topic was the UAS7 Virtual Academy, which is the virtual pillar among UAS7's internationalization instruments.
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Kronbauer, Morgana
08/09/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Morgana Kronbauer

“Essa experiência se resume em crescimento, em todos os aspectos imagináveis”

Aluna do penúltimo semestre em Engenharia de Alimentos pela Unisinos conta como é estagiar pelo UAS7 em uma das universidades de ciências aplicadas da Alemanha. Nesta entrevista, Morgana Kronbauer relata suas experiências no estágio e na universidade, além dos lugares em que visitou e as pessoas que conheceu.
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Portrait of Eduardo Felipeto (UNISINOS)
23/07/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Eduardo Felipeto

"Quero, se possível, voltar pra lá, poder continuar meus estudos"

Eduardo Felipeto, formado em Engenharia Química pela Unisinos, fala sobre sua experiência como estagiário em um laboratório de borrachas na Universidade de Ciências Aplicadas de Osnabrück.
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Brian Wiedenfeld
30/06/21 -
  • Leonie Kirstein
  • Brian Wiedenfeld

"Now I can say I have friends from all over the world"

Interning with UAS7 at a German University of Applied Sciences is full of exciting experiences: In this interview, Brian from Wisconsin reports on his internship at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. In addition to hands-on work experience, he's meeting lots of new people, eating delicious German bratwurst, and has even learned how to drive a tractor!
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28/06/21 -
  • Erica Callery

Warming up for a unique intercultural experience

April 2021 was an intense month of learning and cross-cultural interaction for students of the course Different Approaches to Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in the US and the EU at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin). Students joined selected counterparts from the University at Albany in the US for a month-long interactive online course that placed international collaboration at its heart.
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02/06/21 -
  • Sara Blum

Virtual Academy Spotlight Hochschule Bremen: Air Pollution Control – A Comparison Between US and German Cities

The course Air Pollution Control, part of the UAS7 Virtual Academy, was a transatlantic a cooperation between Bremen University of Applied Sciences and the University at Albany. The key goals of the joint course were to engage students in solving real-world air pollution problems through project-based learning. In doing so, they learned to foster collaboration, relationships and networks with fellow international students and their instructors.
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28/05/21 -
  • Leonie Kirstein

From Nigeria to the USA and Germany

Born and raised in Nigeria, Vitalis Nujimem later moved to the US to pursue his bachelor's and master's degree. For his studies, he needed a stay abroad and it soon became clear to him that he wanted to come to Germany. By receiving the UAS7 scholarship, Vitalis was then given the opportunity to study in Germany at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. In the following Interview he reports about his experiences and his future plans to settle down in Germany.
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