10 results
Overview of Porto Alegre
30/06/23 -
  • Mariana Siqueira

Do you know Porto Alegre?

Porto Alegre is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, a state in Brazil’s south region, where the campus of two partners of UAS7 are located: Unisinos and PUCRS.
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6º Simpósio de Enfermagem Brasil-Alemanha
01/06/23 -
  • Claus Lange

6º Simposio de Enfermagem Brasil-Alemanha

No mês de maio, a 8ª Jornada Internacional de Enfermagem, o 6º Seminário em Saúde Materno-Infantil e o 6º Simpósio de Enfermagem Brasil-Alemanha foram realizados na Universidade Franciscana (UFN), parceira da UAS7.
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São Paulo
25/04/23 -
  • Claus Lange

Workshop do DWIH São Paulo Reúne Cooperadores como UAS7 para Discutir Resultados e Ideias para o Futuro

O Centro Alemão de Ciência e Inovação (DWIH) São Paulo realizou seu primeiro workshop interno – uma oportunidade para reunir os cooperadores da instituição (que também inclui UAS7 ) e discutir os resultados do trabalho já realizado e as perspectivas para o futuro.
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MtC 2022 Participants
11/11/22 -
  • Morgana Kronbauer

Moving the Cities 2022: Students develop solutions tackling SDG 11

This year, the hybrid event took place from 17 to 28th of October, gathering more than 140 students from 12 universities from all over the world. The multicultural teams worked hard to develop solutions tackling the Sustainable Development Goal 11: make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
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Portrait of Eduardo Felipeto (UNISINOS)
29/12/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Eduardo Filipeto

"UAS7 alumnus admitted to a master's in Germany”

Eduardo Filipeto was admitted at the Freie Universität Berlin to pursue his master's degree.
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Portrait of Eduardo Felipeto (UNISINOS)
29/12/21 -
  • Nicole Goldschmidt, Eduardo Filipeto

"Ex-aluno UAS7 é aceito para um mestrado na Alemanha”

Eduardo Filipeto foi aceito na Free University of Berlin para realizar seu mestrado.
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Carsten Schroeder
05/11/21 -
  • Emily Bechler
  • Leonie Kirstein

Innovation Powered by Applied Sciences: Topics Close to the Heart of UAS7

The last two years changed the world and with it changed the parameters of applied sciences. At a hybrid University-Industry talk, sponsored by the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, academic, business and industry leaders from three continents shared their ideas on university-industry relations and Innovation Powered by Applied Sciences.
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MtC 2021 Prédio POA
03/11/21 -
  • Claus Lange

Moving the Cities 2021 - Hybrid entrepreneurship week with 145 students from 6 countries

Health, education and climate protection are three of the United Nations' global Sustainable Development Goals. Now, 145 students from six countries dedicated a whole week to these goals: During the Entrepreneurship Week "Moving the Cities" they developed solutions for the world's most pressing challenges. The event took place online, with only the kick-off event happening at the Teatro UNISINOS in Porto Alegre.
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