3 Ergebnisse
Zoom Screenshot of 3 people
18.11.21 -
  • Katja Zühlsdorf

Internationales Fenster zu den USA: Virtuelles COIL-Projekt zwischen HWR Berlin und der Drexel University

„A match made in heaven“, so bezeichnete Prof. Dr. Sonja Klose den Auftakt ihrer virtuellen Zusammenarbeit, einem COIL-Projekt, mit Ihrem Kollegen Prof. Daniel Korschun. In einem virtuellen Global Classroom trafen sich rund 70 Studierende der HWR Berlin und der Drexel University, um gemeinsam ein Projekt zu erarbeiten.
Carsten Schroeder
05.11.21 -
  • Emily Bechler
  • Leonie Kirstein

Innovation Powered by Applied Sciences: Topics Close to the Heart of UAS7

The last two years changed the world and with it changed the parameters of applied sciences. At a hybrid University-Industry talk, sponsored by the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, academic, business and industry leaders from three continents shared their ideas on university-industry relations and Innovation Powered by Applied Sciences.
30.06.21 -
  • Erica Callery

Warming up for a unique intercultural experience

April 2021 was an intense month of learning and cross-cultural interaction for students of the course Different Approaches to Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in the US and the EU at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin). Students joined selected counterparts from the University at Albany in the US for a month-long interactive online course that placed international collaboration at its heart.